Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Harmonious de-gu-chi (exit)

(above book in my backpack!)

One fine day as I sat contemplating life, my dad says to me in his very nonchalant attitute "why don't you see if you can find a way to be paid to go to Sundance" ... good idea dad, never thought of it. Spent the last 2 Januaries in Utah. LIFE CHANGING. Some time later I come home and find the 10 pages of a website called TeachingChile printed out on my bed. Went to Chile. LIFE CHANGING. Good idea again, dad. Well, last June as I debated the life of being a 24 year old with no future plans, my dad says to me in that same nonchalant manner, "I keep telling you to look into teaching in Japan. Just apply and see what happens." Well, I'm leaving in a few days for Japan to live in Tokorozawa City teaching English---- its been 2 for 2 so far, lets see how this one pans!

My favorite thing about traveling is how much life is really LIVED while on the move- every day so full of adventure and the lovely glory of life very obvious. Its also true for the preparation of a big trip. Or- (in this case)- a JOB that is going to be really intense but that I am referring to as a "trip" for my own sanity. In the past 2 weeks I've suddenly found more connections to Japan than I ever imagined--- everyone is giving me their Japanese contacts and I have been meeting more and more people that have spent time in Japan.

My favorite example of this: last week my mom runs into someone who says "Oh, Marina has to meet Harra Sun (Mrs. Harra) who lives across the street from me". Well, I called this Mrs. Harra, and OHHH MAN WOW.... not only is she the most fun 70 year old I have ever met, but she is an energetic firecracker from Japan. Thanks to her I know how to bow "99% perfect." She took me to a Japanese art exhibition opening party in the NYC- where I unfortunately was put on the spot to say the few phrases she taught me to her art friends- as you can imagine, I messed up every time. Talk about pressure. She also took me to a Japanese warehouse grocery store and explained to me all the different foods and such. Here's to being off on a new adventure...


Unknown said...

It's sound like you are ready to go! HAVE LOTS OF FUN AND TAKE LOTS IF PICS!!!



Matthew V said...

Totally cool, I will read the crap out of your blog. I finally leave on Tuesday for Thailand!

Stacy Gaijin said...

Hey Marina!

Have a great trip to Japan; I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures from next door in Korea! Wow, reading your 1st post, it seems as if it is all meant to be!

Good luck, kiddo! ;)


actor said...

Mrna, Computers stink since I wrote you a good story then they deep-six it when I need a code word. Anyways, wave left when you go through Chicago! Kel's first task (of her choice) will be to "develop communications with a foreigner via blogsphere." Next Sat. another Half Mar. w/major hills; wish me luck. With your income put a down-payment on a condo, esp. w/a view of Mt. Fuji. Matt enjoy Thailand!! See ya' later gringo. Love, Dad

Unknown said...

MARINA! I'm gonna read the crap out of your blog too...OH MAN! you're gonna inspire so many people over there...

Unknown said...

marina, you are my hero!

Kelly Bee said...

MARINA! I'm at dad's office right now in Elsah, reading your blog, and wondering what amazing things you have been doing for the past week! Wow, tomorrow you will be teaching, and freshman, just all sounds completely perfect! Wow! Only one other girl teaching in the whole school with you?
I love you so much, and when mom comes and visits dad and I, we can go on her mac and we can talk on skype!
School is going well, but I miss the family. But I wonder everyday what cool things each person is up to these days!
Lots of love!

Margie said...

Gotta love advice from dads!

Unknown said...

hmm, marina, this makes me want to travel again, and i just got back. But it all sounds really fun and exciting. And i love your pics.